Other times you want some sort of effect, something special and malevolent, with or without any real damage, so for that sort of thing we have a second Random Eyebeam Effect Table.
With the Drala-Thallu you get to roll on both tables. Sometimes multiple times. They're just that way.
Random Damage (Roll D20)
- 1d4
- 2d4
- 1d30
- 1d6
- 1d4+1
- 3d4
- 1d4X4
- 1d10
- 2d4+1
- 1d8
- 3d10
- 2d6
- 1d6+1
- 1d12
- 2d6+2
- 3d6
- 2d10
- 2d8
- 3d6
- 2d12
Random Eyebeam Effect Table
- Target stunned for 1d4 turns, save for half effect.
- All iron and iron-alloys (like steel) are oxidized into several pounds of rusty flakes. Victim also gets a free bonus roll on the Random Damage Table for the effect of their blood partially oxidizing as well.
- Petrification; save or be mineralized.
- Disintegration; roll 1d12 for how many inches in diameter the new holes are, then have another roll on the Random Damage Table.
- Paralysis; complete and total immobility for 2d4 turns, no save.
- Lose 1d4 Wisdom, save or go insane. These points are destroyed and will not come back without a miracle, Wish, etc.
- Victim struck blind, save or it is permanent.
- Target is reversed, made the opposite of what they were in terms of gender, class, alignment, etc.
- Rotification; victim now heals at 1/4 the normal rate, cannot benefit from healing spells, and is covered with a growing, festering mass of oozing sores (-4 Char, Save or loss is permanent due to hideous scarring).
- Everything organic on the victim's body dissolves, their body just takes damage, as in another bonus roll on the table above.
- Target is completely and thoroughly colorized in one shade, tint or hue all the way through and through.
- Victim's skin completely ablated away, exposing all muscles, etc. How embarassing and very, very painful.
- All microorganisms within/upon target erupt into a frothy foam of hyper-evolving goo that completely dissolves their body as they acquire a newfound sentience and a peculiar outlook on life that sadly the victim will never share.
- Victim affected as by Coagulation spell.
- All magical energies within all magical items, devices or weapons on target are spontaneously released; save or potentially be vaporized.
- As 15, only for technological devices -- in case target lacks any such items, they are charged with a dissonant surge of crackling green or puce energy that renders them a living, breathing, walking, talking anti-technology nexus; all technological items must make a save or fail, crash or short-out within a 10' radius of this character. Save or this effect is permanent.
- Target's bones (or exoskeleton) are converted into a pliable, gelatinous substance no longer suited to supporting their muscles; take two quick rolls off of the Random Eyebeam Damage Table.
- Victim rendered completely hairless, their skin now flakes uncontrollably with full-body dandruff.
- Entire skeleton is now magnetized.
- Unfortunately you are now but a shadow of your former self. Literally.
- Target is now the focus-point for a massive thermal* reaction inflicting 1d8 damage to everyone susceptible to fire damage in a 20' radius for 2d4 turns, they take 3d8 damage per turn or take three rolls on the Random Damage Table. Their pick.
- Complete deliquesence. Get a mop.
- Metallization; target is bronzed, literally. Save or become a metal-encased trophy. Suffocation will only take a few minutes.
- Vaporization. Just a puff of rancid smoke is all that remains, unless they make their save, then they are smoldering, take 1 roll on the Random Damage Table and a heavy cloud of smoke rolls off of their charred flesh, filling a 30' square area. Mmmm roast meat...
- Lose one point from one stat, victim's choice. Save or this is permanent.
- Go to sleep. Cannot be woken for 1d100 days without magical intervention, save to halve that duration.
- Target becomes an incubator for a form of yellow mold, or something worse (Ref's Discretion).
- Save or all wood and similar plant-derived materials rot away at your touch permanently.
- Target's bones are saturated with necromantic energy. Upon dying they will immediately arise as a skeleton. Save and they retain full intelligence and memories (and levels).
- Victim affected by a permanent continual light effect, roll for random color.
* Of course this could as easily be a Frigid effect that inflicts cold damage, or any of a multitude of other forms and flavors of energy/damage that you prefer. It'd get awfully boring to add each such option individually to a table that would then be way too long. A third table for energy-types might be useful. We'll consider it for later. Any thoughts?
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